
Antique It

I get inspiration and ideas in a bazillion different ways. Who knows where they come from! Now that I’m fully into the blogging thing I’m realizing that my mind is becoming jam-packed with inspiration. How fun! It’s not forced nor work. It’s creativity and I love it! Some days it completely surprises me.

Being on vacation has allowed me to spend a lot of time getting my juices flowing. Blogs! Websites! Magazines! Books! All fun stuff! 

This morning I woke up thinking about something pretty random (surprise, surprise).

I enjoy antiquing. I know that the enjoyment was taught unconsciously by my mom-a-sita. I used to think it was boring but have come around since high school. (Sounds like a lot of teenager to adult stuff, huh?) While in bed this morning, I was thinking about antiquing and the quest to find the right stuff. I haven’t been too successful with my antiquing outings but hope to find some fabulous items someday.

I thought I would share some of the antiquing "wisdom" I’ve learned:

1.        Go with fun people.

I think antiquing is a learned habit. Ha! I know I’ve learned how only by example. My mom and aunt would talk me through what they were looking at and why (not in a weird boring way though). Once you enjoy it, take a friend and subtly teach them how to browse. Talk about a ripple effect!

2.       Be patient. About 90% of what you see will not be that awesome.

Some of the stuff you see will be complete junk! Well, maybe just to you but don’t get caught up on the not-so-cool pieces. Move on and find that much needed inspiration.

3.      Decide on a few things that you’re collecting/looking for. It will make the quest more fun.

What would be fun to have in your place? Old books, fancy wine glasses, cute butter pats, flower frogs, tall vases, old lunch boxes, tin coffee cans, beautiful plates, vintage spoons,heavy necklaces, or simply ornate picture frames?  Options are endless; choose your top 3 items to keep you focused. I like to keep my eyes on flower frogs (see here for more dirt on these), frames, butter pats, and dinnerware/linens.

4.      Don’t over pay for something you can get at Goodwill or a thrift store.

5.     Remember, spray paint can make anything cool!

6.      Don’t be discouraged if you walk out empty handed.

Coming Soon: Can’t wait to share one of my personal epiphanies with you. It involves this post and this picture….

Any ideas? Can you figure it out?! Be on the look out!

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