About Me

What is Home Awaits?

It started out with a new passion of reading blogs mostly about family and home. Everyday stories lured me in. I fought for balance in my day to day. I’m a teacher, it’s easy to get consumed with my profession that I love and my desperately needy kids. Home Awaits was an outlet, a way to connect with people about my thoughts and hobbies. Frivolous… maybe… but I needed a balance. Sticking to my interests and my background, I knew “home”. Not just the noun but the verb.

I was blessed to grow up in a home that was full of love and beauty. I woke up Saturday mornings to my dad building some contraption out in the garage while my mom was doing laundry, washing windows, AND  baking blueberry lemon scones. Each season my mom rotated décor around the house displaying her gift of making things look right. Somehow these things rubbed off on me. My dad's ingenuity and my mom’s artistic eye.

Home Awaits may seem to be me anxiously waiting for a house to own or a mortgage to have…not true. Although I look forward to having a home, Home Awaits is a journey of defining my style and passion, while inspiring others to try, to do, despite what you've labeled yourself as. I don’t sew, I don’t cook, I don’t  care how high my curtains are. Be encouraged, feel challenged, that’s my goal.

Home Awaits is my art. I can’t do a lot of things but the little things I can do are fun when time is spent learning and being inspired. I usually blush when people talk to me about Home Awaits because it sometimes feels like my little secret, my little fantasy world. However, I am always encouraged by my readers when they comment both on-line and in person. Talk about making a girl's day!

Home Awaits is a blog, my blog, about things relating to “HOME”. I hesitate to say home décor because I am not a player in THAT game. Something about the word “crafts” makes me cringe. (Maybe it’s because I think of Styrofoam balls and dorky projects.)  But I am learning about having a home, making a home despite a house, children, or nearby extended family. Home is what you make it, beautiful and full of love.

Home awaits. It will always await. It’s a process of new and old. Learning and growing in all ways.