
A Shoe Box DIY

 A shoe box. What is is good for? Your second grade kid's habitat project? Yes. 

This was about as far as I got the other night after purchasing some much anticipated boots I've been trying to find on sale.

In about .2 seconds I had a wild idea. (Just like most times.) I was so sick of my jewelry storage, wadded up necklaces got to be rather annoying. I had seen a few of these images on pinterest for jewelry storage. For some reason that night, they popped into my head.(Pinterest=inspiration  24/7) Grabbing my boot box lid, burlap from a previous table cloth, and some heavy duty spray adhesive, I got to work. 

No planning involved. Just doing. I sprayed the lid and covered it with burlap. Next, I sprayed the edges and the insides. 

The spray adhesive was magic...seriously! The glue is not cheap. I felt like I was handing over my wallet when I purchased it for my nephew's Lego table (speaking of, I need to post that sweet little project). But the 9+ dollars was totally worth it. Plus, knowing I do projects every other day and at every other hour of the day, having it around is smart.

I put some clear thumbtacks in the cardboard, hammered some nails, and I was done. It's not a focal point but it's perfect for me to grab quietly in the morning as The. Mr. sleeps away. It's not too bad for being FREE!

What else can you do with a shoe box?